Tutorial Slides “Distributed Localization and Tracking of Mobile Networks”
Tutorial Slides “Graph-Based Multiobject Tracking” and Reference Implementation
Florian Meyer (Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees (with highest honors) in electrical engineering from TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, in
2011 and 2015, respectively. Dr. Meyer is an Associate Professor at the University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA, jointly between Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. From 2017 to 2019, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate with the Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, and from 2016 to 2017, he was a Research Scientist with the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, La Spezia, Italy. Florian is the recipient of the 2021 ISIF Young Investigator Award, a 2022 NSF CAREER Award, a 2022 DARPA Young Faculty Award, and a 2023 ONR Young Investigator Award. He is currently an Associate Editor with IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems from 2021 to 2023.
Research Interests and Broader Impacts
Professor Meyer focuses on interdisciplinary research in the intersection of signal processing, underwater acoustics, and marine robotics. In particular, he develops and advances new methodologies for parameter estimation and machine learning. His group is also active in enabling systems for autonomous data collection at sea and in providing new data analysis and processing tools for oceanographic research including ocean acoustics and marine mammal biology.
Innovation resulting from his research are novel methods for data processing that substantially improve the performance of marine sensing systems but can also lead to tangible advances in further applications including autonomous driving, wireless communication, and medical imaging. Interdisciplinary education and outreach activities expose students to state-of-the-art statistical signal processing and machine learning techniques as well as their deployment at sea.
Oct. 2024: New ONR DURIP project “Sensing Capabilities for Autonomous MCM”
Jul. 2024: Wenyu Zhang's paper on particle flows for source localization in 3-D is the runner up at the Best Student Paper Competition at ISIF FUSION 2024
Jul. 2024: Special Session Co-Chair at ISIF FUSION 2024
Jul. 2024: Postdoc Mohammad J. Khojasteh joins RIT as a faculty member
May 2024: Four accepted papers at ISIF FUSION 2024
Feb. 2024: New paper on multiobject tracking with embedded particle flow
Jan. 2024: Our work on neural enhanced belief propagation for multiobject tracking is leading the nuScenes tracking competition for LiDAR measurements
Jan. 2024: New paper on neural enhanced belief propagation for multiobject tracking
Jan. 2024: New ONR project “Learning-Aided Geoacoustic Inversion”
Dec. 2023: Junsu Jang's paper on waveguide invariant navigation of an autonomous underwater vehicle wins the Best Student Paper Award at ASA 2023
Oct. 2023: New paper on automating multi-target tracking of singing humpback whales using vector sensors
Sept. 2023: New paper on data fusion for multipath-based simultaneous localization and mapping
Jul. 2023: Appointed as Associated Editor with the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Jun. 2023: Technical Co-Chair at ISIF FUSION 2023
Jun. 2023: Tutorial: “Graph-Based Localization, Tracking, and Mapping” at ISIF FUSION 2023 (with Erik Leitinger)
May. 2023: Postdoc Thomas Kropfreiter is awarded an 2023 FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship
May. 2023: New paper on whale tracking in 3-D from echolocation clicks
Feb. 2023: New ONR DURIP project “Autonomous Sensing for Ocean Acoustics”
Oct. 2022: I am honored to be the recipient of an 2023 ONR Young Investigator Award
Sept. 2022: At-sea experiment SWMFEx22 on the RV Sally Ride (15th – 22th of Sept.)
Aug. 2022: I am honored to be the recipient of an 2022 DARPA Young Faculty Award
Aug. 2022: Students Mingchao Liang and Wenyu Zhang are awarded a 2022 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship
Jul. 2022: Tutorial: “Graph-Based Localization, Tracking, and Mapping” at ISIF FUSION 2022 (with Erik Leitinger)
Jun. 2022: New paper on real-time indoor localization in 3-D
Apr. 2022: My colleagues Domenico Gaglione, Erik Leitinger, Jason Williams and I are organizing a special issue on “Graph-Based Localization and Tracking”
Jan. 2022: I am honored to be the recipient of an 2022 NSF Career Award
Dec. 2021: New paper on graph-based maritime situational awareness
Nov. 2021: I am honored to receive the 2021 ISIF Young Investigator Award
Oct. 2021: New paper on scalable extended object tracking (code and videos 1, 2, 3, 4)
Sept. 2021: At-sea experiment SWMFEx21 on the RV Sally Ride (25th of Aug. – 6th of Sept.)
Aug. 2021: New paper on probabilistic focalization for shallow water localization (video)
Aug. 2021: Three accepted papers at the 24th International Conference on Information Fusion
May 2021: Co-chair of the special session “Synergistic Radar Signal Processing and Tracking” at IEEE RADAR 2021
Mar. 2021: New ONR project “Machine Learning and Sparse Processing for Geoacoustic Inversions” (with Peter Gerstoft, UCSD-MPL)
Jan. 2021: Appointed as Associated Editor with the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Oct. 2020: New DDRE project “RF Network Sensing for Indoor Situational Awareness” (with Bryan Teague, MIT-LL)
Jul. 2020: New paper on scalable data association for extended object tracking
Jun. 2020: Co-chair of the workshop on advances for network localization and navigation at IEEE ICC 2020
Jun. 2020: NATO STO Scientific Achievement Team Award (effort led by P. Braca, A.-L. Jousselme, and L. M. Millefiori)
May 2020: Invited Webinar: “Distributed Localization and Tracking of Mobile Networks”
Mar. 2020: Keynote: “Bayesian Graph Signal Processing for Information Fusion and Multiobject Tracking” at IEEE Aerospace 2020
Feb. 2020: Special session co-chair at ITA 2020
Dec. 2019: New paper on multipath-based indoor localization and mapping
Nov. 2019: IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation Premium Award for the paper Ferri et al.: “Cooperative robotic networks for underwater surveillance: an overview”
Sep. 2019: New paper on situational awareness in millimeter wave massive MIMO systems
Aug. 2019: New paper on self-tuning algorithms for multisensor-multitarget tracking
May 2019: Co-chair of the workshop on advances for network localization and navigation at IEEE ICC 2019
Jan. 2019: Appointed as Associated Editor with the ISIF Journal of Advances in Information Fusion
Nov. 2018: Our work on scalable and efficient indoor localization wins a 2018 R&D 100 Award
Sep. 2018: Paper on efficient multisensor localization appeared in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Jun. 2018: Special session co-chair at IEEE SSP 2018
May 2018: Co-chair of the workshop on advances for network localization and navigation at IEEE ICC 2018
Feb. 2018: Our work on scalable multiobject tracking was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE